PicDescriptionTypeTierTargetUsable WithHP UsedFP UsedSP UsedCast Delay
Vain Break
Attacks the target wit ha powerful compound shot.
TerraBasicAnother Race, MonsterStaff03006 Seconds
Area effect poison attack.
TerraBasicAnother Race, MonsterStaff09006 Seconds
Soul Blind
Removes the targets ability to use any force buffs.
TerraBasicAnother RaceStaff03006 Seconds
Soul Mute
Removes the targets ability to use force debuffs.
TerraBasicAnother RaceStaff03006 Seconds
Tectonic Might
Attacks the target with a destructive shard of rock.
TerraExpertAnother Race, MonsterStaff060012 Seconds
Toxic Bane
Area effect attack using fungal poison.
TerraExpertAnother Race, MonsterStaff0180012 Seconds
Removes the targets ability to use skill buffs.
TerraExpertAnother RaceStaff060012 Seconds
Removes the targets ability to run.
TerraExpertAnother RaceStaff060012 Seconds
Venom Breath
Attacks the target with a blast of poison.
TerraEliteAnother Race, MonsterStaff090018 Seconds
Sand Storm
Strikes the target with a powerful sand storm.
TerraEliteAnother Race, MonsterStaff0180018 Seconds
Removes the targets ability to use skill attacks.
TerraEliteAnother RaceStaff090018 Seconds
Removes the targets ability to use force attacks.
TerraEliteAnother RaceStaff090018 Seconds